Signing Off

Hello friends,

I’ll cut to the chase–this is a sign off post.  I am so glad I tried ‘mom-blogging’ (whatever that means) for a year.  I loved having a space to think about what I was experiencing.  Most of all, I had the chance to connect with you all in a way that felt personal and supportive and made things easier.  But I don’t think it’s for me for the long haul.

I write over at, and I’m looking to build into that a bit more this year.  I will post baby and family things over there each Friday, so if you want to pop by then (or any other day for writing about other topics), I would love it.

To the women I met at Westmont, in particular, THANK YOU for the ways you’ve shared your lives in this season. Nearly two years ago I reflected on what I missed out on by not connecting more deeply with the women I went to school with.  And when you comment, either here, on Facebook or Instagram, it means a lot to me.

To all of you who have read, thanks so so much! Thanks for being part of this past year.  With all my heart.

With gratitude,  Meredith

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