High 5 for Friday: Birthday Week

Hello friends!  Lauren at LaurenElizabeth hosts these Friday link parties that celebrate all things end-of-week.  So I thought I’d join in.

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1.  For first time (or any other) moms, a post by Tamara, who I have enjoyed so much each time I see her, which is just once every few years.

bread&wine_cover_art2.  Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist makes me both happy and hungry.  I have made breakfast cookies every week since first trying them.

3.  We are in escrow!  I started my current job at the beginning of March.  To get to it, we sold our home and moved in with my parents, who live 20 minutes from the new job.  We also started house hunting in our new city.  After two months and 8 offers, through a series of events that add up to “Only God” we are in escrow on a house that is so far beyond what we ever thought we would get.

4.  This weekend, I turn 30!  I want water for my birthday, if you wanted to know what to get me.

5.  These really are the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had.  Follow the recipe to a T.

Happy weekend!

It's an elephant.  In a raincoat.  You're welcome.

It’s an elephant. In a raincoat. You’re welcome.

One thought on “High 5 for Friday: Birthday Week

  1. Thank you for the link love, Meredith. I know you understand the value of these precious babies God gives us. Hugs to you this morning and congrats on the new home!

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